Friday, August 13, 2010

Chrome team building

The link in -

It was team building at work, was very funny, the name of it was "Dance competition". Competition between different departments. We were dancing and won second place))) Our team was one from sales&marketing department (me), 2 people from Front Office and new interns from Romania Karina (Food&Beverage).

On Russian: Eto bil timbilding na rabote, bilo ochen veselo, nazivalos vse eto delo "Sorevnovaniya po tanzam". Sorevnovalis mezhdy raznimi otdelami. V nashei komande bili raznie otdeli: otdel prodazh i marketinga (ya), 2 cheloveka iz otdela resepshn - priemnaya, i novaya stazherka iz Ruminii Karina - otdel Food&Beverage - restorani. V itoge mi vtoroe mesto.