Friday, September 3, 2010

Krishna's birthday ;)))

It was Wednesday - 1sd of September, evening... It was religious holiday - Krishna's birthday... So everywhere people didn't work, everywhere it was possible to see decorated with colorful flower Gods... And in the evening our owner of the trainee house invited us to his room, gave us traditional food - rice with vegetables, milk rice and sweets... So it was very-very nice ;)) On Russian: Eto bila sreda - 1go sentyabrya, vecherom... V tot den bil religiozniy prazdnik - Den rozhdenie boga Krishni... Eto bil vihodnoi den y bolshinstva ludey, vezde mozno bilo vstretit ykrashennie zvetami izobrazheniya bogov... I vecherom nash hozyain doma priglasil vseh nas k sebe v komnaty, ygostil tradizionnoi edoi - ris, ovowi, risovaya kasha s orehami i suhofruktami i sladostyami... Eto bilo ochen zdorovo ;)))
I with our owner Mr. Charterjee
From the left: Janka (Hungary), Tomas (Poland), Peter (Taiwan), Larisa (Austria)

God Ganesha, flowers, holy water... On Russian:God Ganesha, zveti, svyataya voda...

Mr. Chaterjee is very talented person, he decorated his house with sculptures, frescoes that are made by his hands... he is very interested in different cultures, believe in all religions, knows a lot things, reads a lot... And he accept in his house a lot of interns from all over the world almost 5 years... Very interesting and intelligent person! Once he told me that I have to feel in his house like at home, in family...and it is true, all of us feel like we are in family... On Russian: Mr. Chaterjee ochen talantliviy chelovek, on yktasil svoi dom freskami i skulptyrami, kotorie on sdelal svoimi rykami. On ochen interesyetsya raznimi kultyrami, toleranted ko vsem religiyam, ochen mnogo chitaet...

Owner's dog. He is very nice, very funny and kalm ;))) On Russian: Hozyaiskaya sobachka ;))) takoi on smeshnoi ;))) ochen spokoiniy pes ;)))
We eating rice and sweets. On Russian: Mi edim ris i sladosti
Actually we weren't hungry at all, that it was we were shocked when we had so huge plates of rice and vegetables... On Russian: Na samom deli mi voobwe ne hoteli et, poetomu bili proso v shoke, kogda nam prinesli ogromnie porzii risa i ovowey...