Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Igor's last day in Kolkata ;)))
On Tuesday I decided not to go to work in order to spend my whole day with Igor, make for him the last excursion day in Kolkata ;))) We woke up early and wanted to go to Darkshineswar Kali Mandir. It is far that is why we decided to go by metro first, we went to the Dum Dum metro station and then were looking for some person who knows how to get there ;))) So we asked a lot of people and then at last we found the right people, who helped us. It were students of Hotel management, 2 guys - Rohan and Kaushik. They were goint to this place too and were waiting for their 2 friends. So we stayed with them waiting for their friends and went there all together.
On Russian: Vo vtornik ya reshila ne idti na raboty, chtobi provesti den s Igorem, posetit ewe kakie-nibud mesta v Kalkutte. Mi vstali rano ytrom, reshili poehat v izvestniy hram Darkshineswar Kali Mandir, hram boga Kali (boginya), ochen vazhniy bog dlya indusov. Eto nahoditsya ochen daleko oy nas, v drugom konze goroda, poetomu mi poehali snachala na metro, do konechnoi stanzii Dum Dum (chitaetsya kak "dam dam"), a potom yzhe stali iskat na meste hot odnogo cheloveka, kto podskazal bi nam kak naiti etot hram. Nakonez-to mi nashli rebyat-studentov otelnogo Instityta, oni tozhe tuda sobiralis, tak chto mi ostalis s nimi i poehali vse vmeste.
Here we are in suburban train going to the Kali Temple. It took us 2 stations. On Russian: Zdes mi edem v elektrichke na puti k hramu, vsego bilo 2 ostanovki.
People in Kolkatadon't like when in subways and trains people take a photo, that is why it is the only one and it is very dark. But it is in suburban train. On Russian: Ludi v Kalkutte ne lubyat, kogda kto-nibud delaet fotografii v metro ili poezdah, bolee togo eto zaprezeno, no mne ydalos sdelat odny fotku, hot i ona ochen temnaya...
This the station, it looks like the temple Kali Mandir. On Russian: Eto stanziya, na kotoryu mi priehali, ona viglyadit, kak hram ;)))
This temple is situated a little bit out of the city, but it is very easy to get to it and surroundings are wonderful. On Russian: Etot hram nahoditsya nemnogo podalshe ot samogo goroda, no ochen legko dobratsya do tuda, ochen krasivie mesta vokrug.
Darkshineswar Kali Mandir
This is whole territory of the temple. Somewhere there we left our shoes and when we came back after visiting temple there were Igor's trainers Adidas...It is strange what for someone there shoes with the size 43....and specially it is strange that it was stolen in such holy place like this temple... But it is strange also that is was stolen in such holy place like temple...But I read somewhere that this can happen with everyone... On Russian: eto vse territoria hrama. Gde-to zdes mi ostavili nashy obyv, tak kak nelzya bit v obyvi vnytri hrama, a kogda yzhe vernylis, to ne nashli krossovki Igorya... Konechno ochen vse eto stranno, tak kak komu zdes ponadobilis krossovki 43 razmera... indusi malenkie.. i ewe, konechno, stranno to, chto stawili obyv v svyatom meste... No ya chitala gde-to, chto takoe bivaet ;)))
I don' have any photos from inside of the temple, because photos is prohibited. So I just can say that is very peaceful place, very beautiful there. We saw the statue of Kali, it is made of gold, silver, brilliants, whole statue is decorated by flower, it looks amazing. On Russian: Y menya net fotografiy v hrame, tak kak eto zapreweno delat fotografii tam, s etim stroho... no mogy skakzat, chto tam ochen krasivo, otmosvera ochen horoshaya i spokoinaya, mirolubivaya. Mi videli statyu bogini Kali, vipolnena is zolota, serebra i brilliantov, sverhy ewe ykrasheno vse zvetami, viglyadit vse eto prosto potryasauwe.
We are after visiting the Temple, next to it. On Russian: Yzhe posle poseweniya hrama, naprotiv nego.
With our new friends. Want to express special thankful words to them all because without them it would be almost impossible to understand what to do there and what everything means, there are a lot different traditions connected with this temple. On Russian: s nashimi novimi druziyami. Hochy virazit slova blagodarnosti nashim znakomim, kotorie proveli nam ekskursiu v hrame, pokazali i rasskazali tradizii, svyazannie s etim, bez nih mi bi ne znali, na chto obrawat vnimanie, kuda luchshe idti, kuda net. ;)))
Next to this temple there is garden. We went there and saw big tree o0n which there were a lot of monkeys, some people fed them, all visitors took photos of them ;))) On Russian: Ryadom s etim hramom est sad. Tam est bolshoe derevo, na kotorom zhivyt obeziyanki, tam ih bilo ochen mnogo, ludi kormyat ih, vse posetiteli fotografirovali obeziyanok.
hehe so funny monkeys ;))) On Russian: takie smeshnie obeziyanki ;)))
Nice tree ;))) On Russian: klassnoe derevo.
All together ;)))) On Russian: Vse vmeste ;))
Then we decided to go to opposite site of the river and go to another temple Belur Math, we went my boat, came there but was closed... It was closed till 16.00 pm, and we came there at 14.00, that is why we went back to Kolkata ;)) On Russian: Potom mi reshili poehat v drugoi hram Belur Math, kotoroi nahoditsya na protivopolozhnoi storone reki. Mi poplili tyda na lodke, priehali v 14.00, a on zakrit do 16.00, poetomu reshili ne zhdat nichego i poehali obratno v Kolkaty.
This it river Ganga. Next to the temple it is holy water ;))) All people come there swim and wash out their sins... On Russian: Eto reka Ganga. Ta chast, kotoraya nahoditsya ryadom so hramom, schitaetsya svyatoi, ludi kupautsya tam i smivaut svoi grehi...
It is our boat... On Russian: nasha lodka ;))
Then we decided to go to Millenium Park. On Russian: Potom mi reshili poehat v Millenium park.
The Hawrah Bridge - the most well-known in the city. On Russian: Hawrah Bridge - samiy isvestniy v gorode.
On Russian: Vo vtornik ya reshila ne idti na raboty, chtobi provesti den s Igorem, posetit ewe kakie-nibud mesta v Kalkutte. Mi vstali rano ytrom, reshili poehat v izvestniy hram Darkshineswar Kali Mandir, hram boga Kali (boginya), ochen vazhniy bog dlya indusov. Eto nahoditsya ochen daleko oy nas, v drugom konze goroda, poetomu mi poehali snachala na metro, do konechnoi stanzii Dum Dum (chitaetsya kak "dam dam"), a potom yzhe stali iskat na meste hot odnogo cheloveka, kto podskazal bi nam kak naiti etot hram. Nakonez-to mi nashli rebyat-studentov otelnogo Instityta, oni tozhe tuda sobiralis, tak chto mi ostalis s nimi i poehali vse vmeste.
Here we are in suburban train going to the Kali Temple. It took us 2 stations. On Russian: Zdes mi edem v elektrichke na puti k hramu, vsego bilo 2 ostanovki.
People in Kolkatadon't like when in subways and trains people take a photo, that is why it is the only one and it is very dark. But it is in suburban train. On Russian: Ludi v Kalkutte ne lubyat, kogda kto-nibud delaet fotografii v metro ili poezdah, bolee togo eto zaprezeno, no mne ydalos sdelat odny fotku, hot i ona ochen temnaya...
This the station, it looks like the temple Kali Mandir. On Russian: Eto stanziya, na kotoryu mi priehali, ona viglyadit, kak hram ;)))
This temple is situated a little bit out of the city, but it is very easy to get to it and surroundings are wonderful. On Russian: Etot hram nahoditsya nemnogo podalshe ot samogo goroda, no ochen legko dobratsya do tuda, ochen krasivie mesta vokrug.
Darkshineswar Kali Mandir
This is whole territory of the temple. Somewhere there we left our shoes and when we came back after visiting temple there were Igor's trainers Adidas...It is strange what for someone there shoes with the size 43....and specially it is strange that it was stolen in such holy place like this temple... But it is strange also that is was stolen in such holy place like temple...But I read somewhere that this can happen with everyone... On Russian: eto vse territoria hrama. Gde-to zdes mi ostavili nashy obyv, tak kak nelzya bit v obyvi vnytri hrama, a kogda yzhe vernylis, to ne nashli krossovki Igorya... Konechno ochen vse eto stranno, tak kak komu zdes ponadobilis krossovki 43 razmera... indusi malenkie.. i ewe, konechno, stranno to, chto stawili obyv v svyatom meste... No ya chitala gde-to, chto takoe bivaet ;)))
I don' have any photos from inside of the temple, because photos is prohibited. So I just can say that is very peaceful place, very beautiful there. We saw the statue of Kali, it is made of gold, silver, brilliants, whole statue is decorated by flower, it looks amazing. On Russian: Y menya net fotografiy v hrame, tak kak eto zapreweno delat fotografii tam, s etim stroho... no mogy skakzat, chto tam ochen krasivo, otmosvera ochen horoshaya i spokoinaya, mirolubivaya. Mi videli statyu bogini Kali, vipolnena is zolota, serebra i brilliantov, sverhy ewe ykrasheno vse zvetami, viglyadit vse eto prosto potryasauwe.
We are after visiting the Temple, next to it. On Russian: Yzhe posle poseweniya hrama, naprotiv nego.
With our new friends. Want to express special thankful words to them all because without them it would be almost impossible to understand what to do there and what everything means, there are a lot different traditions connected with this temple. On Russian: s nashimi novimi druziyami. Hochy virazit slova blagodarnosti nashim znakomim, kotorie proveli nam ekskursiu v hrame, pokazali i rasskazali tradizii, svyazannie s etim, bez nih mi bi ne znali, na chto obrawat vnimanie, kuda luchshe idti, kuda net. ;)))
Next to this temple there is garden. We went there and saw big tree o0n which there were a lot of monkeys, some people fed them, all visitors took photos of them ;))) On Russian: Ryadom s etim hramom est sad. Tam est bolshoe derevo, na kotorom zhivyt obeziyanki, tam ih bilo ochen mnogo, ludi kormyat ih, vse posetiteli fotografirovali obeziyanok.
hehe so funny monkeys ;))) On Russian: takie smeshnie obeziyanki ;)))
Nice tree ;))) On Russian: klassnoe derevo.
All together ;)))) On Russian: Vse vmeste ;))
Then we decided to go to opposite site of the river and go to another temple Belur Math, we went my boat, came there but was closed... It was closed till 16.00 pm, and we came there at 14.00, that is why we went back to Kolkata ;)) On Russian: Potom mi reshili poehat v drugoi hram Belur Math, kotoroi nahoditsya na protivopolozhnoi storone reki. Mi poplili tyda na lodke, priehali v 14.00, a on zakrit do 16.00, poetomu reshili ne zhdat nichego i poehali obratno v Kolkaty.
This it river Ganga. Next to the temple it is holy water ;))) All people come there swim and wash out their sins... On Russian: Eto reka Ganga. Ta chast, kotoraya nahoditsya ryadom so hramom, schitaetsya svyatoi, ludi kupautsya tam i smivaut svoi grehi...
It is our boat... On Russian: nasha lodka ;))
Then we decided to go to Millenium Park. On Russian: Potom mi reshili poehat v Millenium park.
The Hawrah Bridge - the most well-known in the city. On Russian: Hawrah Bridge - samiy isvestniy v gorode.
So we decided to go the nearest sea cost near Kolkata - Mandarmani. Of course first time I heard it from my co-workers, they told me that it is amazing place to spend weekend, so we went there. ;)))
Mandarmani is a beach resort in Purba Medinipur district of South Bengal , one of the southern districts of West Bengal . It is almost 180km from Kolkata Airport on the Kolkata - Digha route and just 14km from Chaulkhola .Mandarmani is one of Bengal’s recently developed tourist destination that lies close to ever-popular Digha and Shankarpur. With sun and surf, pristine sea beach and untrammeled silt coloured sand, this beach is slowly becoming popular among the tourists. Mandarmani boasts of a 13 km long motorable beach, probably the longest motorable beach road in India.
So we went there by bus early in the morning on Saturday, the way there took us 4,5 hours, then we took a taxi and drove more 15 km till the hotel, that took us more 30 minutes way. We knew only one hotel "Sana beach", that suppose to be best one there, but we decided to go there only because it was close to the sea and our friend told us that it will cost approximate 500 Rs per person (approximate 12 $, 353 Rub). But when we came there the cost was 2400 Rs (approximate 56 $, 1694 RUB) per 2 people, it was the cheapest and all these rooms were already booked, so the only one opportunity was for 3000 RS and more. We didn't want to spent a lot of money on hotel, that is why we were thinking about finding another one. We were told that it would be impossible to find something cheaper, but we decided to try to find something more. And we were right, we found one good hotel, the next after "Sana beach", so it was also close to the sea, but the price per person per night 200 Rs (5 $, 141 RUB) and for 250 Rs. it was possible to order lunch, dinner (like it usual for Indian people, at 22.00 pm), snack (was at 19.00 pm) and breakfast, tea at any time. ;))) it was nice to fine this place. ;)))
So we enjoyed our trip a lot, the sea is very clean and nice, it is not overcrowded at all, just few people on the beach... But all of them was very curious to us, cause we are foreigners and cause we were in bikini. I will explane, there were only I and one my friend from Colombia, we were the only girls who were wearied in bikini, usually majority of people in India swim in clothes, of course it is strict to women about the clothes on the beaches... hehe but we didn't care about that, we wanted to have a rest, relax and take our time... It was very good, it was worth visiting even than trip there by bus was very tiring... But it gave us chance to experience this trip like local people!!! I like traveling like that!!! ;))) I advice you to experience if you are in Kolkata it as soon as possible!
From Kolkata, catch a bus at Esplanade or at Howrah headed for Chawalkhola, or any bus headed towards Digha. From Chawlkhola there are cycle-rickshaws and auto-rickshaws which you can take to Dadanpatrabar. From Dadanpatrabar, you can again get some cycle-rickshaws, but it is best to take the transport from Chawalkhola till Mandarmani since transport availability from Dadanpatrabar is very uncertain.
Mandarmani is a beach resort in Purba Medinipur district of South Bengal , one of the southern districts of West Bengal . It is almost 180km from Kolkata Airport on the Kolkata - Digha route and just 14km from Chaulkhola .Mandarmani is one of Bengal’s recently developed tourist destination that lies close to ever-popular Digha and Shankarpur. With sun and surf, pristine sea beach and untrammeled silt coloured sand, this beach is slowly becoming popular among the tourists. Mandarmani boasts of a 13 km long motorable beach, probably the longest motorable beach road in India.
So we went there by bus early in the morning on Saturday, the way there took us 4,5 hours, then we took a taxi and drove more 15 km till the hotel, that took us more 30 minutes way. We knew only one hotel "Sana beach", that suppose to be best one there, but we decided to go there only because it was close to the sea and our friend told us that it will cost approximate 500 Rs per person (approximate 12 $, 353 Rub). But when we came there the cost was 2400 Rs (approximate 56 $, 1694 RUB) per 2 people, it was the cheapest and all these rooms were already booked, so the only one opportunity was for 3000 RS and more. We didn't want to spent a lot of money on hotel, that is why we were thinking about finding another one. We were told that it would be impossible to find something cheaper, but we decided to try to find something more. And we were right, we found one good hotel, the next after "Sana beach", so it was also close to the sea, but the price per person per night 200 Rs (5 $, 141 RUB) and for 250 Rs. it was possible to order lunch, dinner (like it usual for Indian people, at 22.00 pm), snack (was at 19.00 pm) and breakfast, tea at any time. ;))) it was nice to fine this place. ;)))
So we enjoyed our trip a lot, the sea is very clean and nice, it is not overcrowded at all, just few people on the beach... But all of them was very curious to us, cause we are foreigners and cause we were in bikini. I will explane, there were only I and one my friend from Colombia, we were the only girls who were wearied in bikini, usually majority of people in India swim in clothes, of course it is strict to women about the clothes on the beaches... hehe but we didn't care about that, we wanted to have a rest, relax and take our time... It was very good, it was worth visiting even than trip there by bus was very tiring... But it gave us chance to experience this trip like local people!!! I like traveling like that!!! ;))) I advice you to experience if you are in Kolkata it as soon as possible!
For those who want to go to Mandermani by bus like we please find the information below:
From Kolkata, catch a bus at Esplanade or at Howrah headed for Chawalkhola, or any bus headed towards Digha. From Chawlkhola there are cycle-rickshaws and auto-rickshaws which you can take to Dadanpatrabar. From Dadanpatrabar, you can again get some cycle-rickshaws, but it is best to take the transport from Chawalkhola till Mandarmani since transport availability from Dadanpatrabar is very uncertain.
Get down at Chawalkhola, and look for private cars. You may contact Bisu for a drop to Mandarmani. Fare would be about 200 to 250/- for a drop at Mandarmani sea beach.
State Transport Buses are available cost Rs 76. A number of deluxe coaches run daily, Rs 100-110. Whiteliners is the nicest option, departing Esplanade at 7:30AM, Rs 205. Now (May 14th 2010) the Whiteliners bus service will charge you 200 with an additional Rs. 5 as resevation charge.(Careful while booking as most of the time bus is canceled for mechanical failure.
A/C Volvo buses of Royal Cruiser (Joy Dada) are plying from Kolkata to Digha from which one can disembark at Chawalkhola. Leaves IBT at 6:45 AM and Esplanede at 7:45 AM. Ticket price till Digha is Rs 325.
Hotel details:
Samudra Bilas Resort, you dont have to book it before ;) but I have contacts of their booking office:
The Tour Explorer, Mobile: 9874681828, 9836699515
Advice you!!! You will not regret, staff is very polite there!
The Tour Explorer, Mobile: 9874681828, 9836699515
Advice you!!! You will not regret, staff is very polite there!
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