Monday, September 6, 2010

Strike in Kolkata

Tomorrow is gonna be strike in whole Kolkata, nobody will work... So it is also about transport - metro, buses, taxi drivers.... so all the companies and food shops, cafes will not work too... I don't know what is it?!!! I don't know will we work or not, cause hotels works all the time... I don't know what about this strike, and it is strange why that it is known beforehand and people just accept it and ready not to work... haha ;))) In Moscow it is unbelievable such situation ;))) Who lives in Moscow understand what i mean ;)) People even try to make it (their plans to strike) as much secretly as possible and anyway government finds it out and deny any strikes, take people who are going to strike to police and this like each strike ends in Moscow ;))) But please don't think that in Moscow it is like that because of communism, we don't have! ;))) We have such situation with strikes only last 3 years may be... That is why it is so strange for me to hear such news in 3-4 day before and everyone just accept it so simple. ;)))) May be people just want to have additional day off? ;))) or we will have to work after this strike on Sunday???!!! Don't know, will write about it as soon as possible... To be continue...

On Russian:
Zavtra budet den zabastovki v Kalkutte... nikto ne budet rabotat... Takzhe ne budut rabotat publichniy transport - metro, avtobusi, taksisti... Ne bydyt rabotat magazini, kafe, mnogie kompanii... Ya ne znau, chto eto, iz-za chego... Takzhe ne znau budem li mi rabotat ili net, tak kak obichno takie vewi ne vliyaut na raboty otelei, poetomu chto oteli rabotaut vsegda...Eto tak stranno, chto vse znaut napered, chto budet zabastovka i regiryut na eto tak spokoina, gotovi ne rabotat... haha ;)) V Moskve takaya situaziya prakticheski ne vozmozhna. Kto zhivet v Moskve, ponimaet, chto ya imeu v vidy. ;))) Dazhe te, kto pitaetsya stroit plani o zabastovke v Moskve ochen sekretno, terpyat ktah svoih planov... kak-to gosydarstvo yznaet o planah ludei, kto sobiraetsy bastovat i teh smelchakov srazu otvozyat v poliziu... Tak obichno zakanchivaestsya kazhdaya zabastovka, esli eto i mozhno tak nazvat ...; ))) Tolko, pozhalyista, ne delaite vivodi, chto eta takaya sityaziya v Moskve, tak kak mi vse ewe zhivem v kommunizme, net... Takaya situaziya s zabastovkami v Moskve tolko vozmozhno posledniee 3 goda... Poetomu dlya menya eto tak zabavno slishat za 3-4 dnya, chto bydet zabastovka, iz-za kotoroi vse i vse priostanovitsya, nichego ne budet rabotat... kak eto vozmozhno???!!! I ludi, i gosudarstvo prosto prinimaut ety novost i vse... Mozhet bit ludi prosto hotyat imet dopolnitelniy vihodnoi? ;))) ili posle etogo vse mi dolzhni budem rabotat v voskresenie??? Nichego poka ne znau, napishy ob etom kak tolko, tak srazy... Prodolzhenie sledyet...

That impressed me...

Museums mood ;)))

Of course for Sunday I already had some plan to visit ;))) It is my the only one day off ... First I wanted to go to yoga class near to our trainee house, I came there at 07.30 but it occurred that on Sunday they don't work ;((( That is why I came back and waited for others to wake up ;))) But I fell asleep by myself too ;))) Woke up at 10 and started preparations to go for a walk ;))) At least we gathered and went to Howrah bridge, famous symbol of Kolkata. (was built between 1937-1943). On Russian: Konechno y menya vsegda est plani na voskresenie, tak kak eto moi edinstvenniy vihodnoi. ;))) Snachala ya sobralas na yogu, mesto provedenie ryadom s nashim domom. I prishla tyda k 07.30. no okazalos, chto oni ne rabotaut, konechno, nigde ob etom ne bilo napisano ... ;) haha Poetomu ya vernylas domoi i reshila podozhdat poka ostalnie prosnytsya... Poka zhdalal, sama zasnyla i prosnylas tolko v 10.00, posle chego stala sobiratsya i toropit ostalnih. Mi poehali snachala k naberezhnoi, posetit Howrah most, simvol goroda Kolkata. (Bil postroen v period 1937 - 1943).
Day started very funny ;))) Larisa (Austrian) he is so funny on this photo ;))) She always uses this umbrella that is so small, but I can understand why, it is very positive and suites to her perfectly ;))) On Russian: Den nachalsya ochen zabavno... ))) Larisa (avstriyka) neozhidanno dostala is sumki svoi zabavniy zontik, kotoriy takoi malenkih, no ot etogo ne menee lubimiy dlya nee ;))) i ya mogy ponyat pochemu ;))))

Howrah bridge... Actually it is not allowed to take a photo of this bridge... They enplane it is like in order to avoid crimes...Don't see the logic, but anyway ;))) This photo is taken from the Internet. On Russian: Howrah bridge...Voobwe fotografirovvat most zapreweno, obiyasnyaut eto tem, chtobi ne bilo prestyplenniy... Slozhno ysledit logiky, no eto tak ;))) Dannoe foto vzyato iz Interneta ;)))

This my photo of the bridge ;))) Everyone was so excited, went to me and told me that it was prohibited, that I would have big problems with police . ;))) But I wasn't on the bridge in this moment... On Russian: Eto yzhe moya fotka, vse bili tak vzvolnovani, chto ya vse-taki fotografiryu ;))) Govorili, chto eto zaprewen, y mney bydyt problemi s poliziei.. ;) No na dammiy moment ya yzhe ne bila na mosty ;)))
Surroundings of bridge On Russian: bliz mosta

Howrah railway station, opened in 1854. On Russian: Howrah zh/d, otkrilas v 1854

Then we met Fabio (Brazil) , Anne (Hong Kong) in Park street and made small photo session ;))) On Russian: Potom mi vstretili na Park Street Fabio (Braziliya), Anne (Hong Kong) i ystroili nebolshyu photo sessiu ;)))
From the left: Thomas (Poland), me, Anne (Hong Kong), Larisa (Austria), new girl from Australia (don't remember her name, she lives in Australia, but she is from India, Mumbai), Ursula (Germani). On Russian: sleva: Thomas (Polsha), ya, Anne ( Gonk Kong), Larisa (Avstria), novaya stazherka iz Avstralii (Ona zhivet s roditelyami v Avstralii, no sama iz Indii, Mumbaya), Ursula (Germania)
Then I and Anne (Hong Kong) decided to go to Academy of Fine Art, others went to Indian museum. It is so strange but it is not so popular, a lot people don't know that it exists, even entrance is free. I advice to visit Academy of Fine Art to everyone, it is great fun, all works are not boring and usual, it was very interesting, people were kind to their visitors, we were given free booklets even ;))) I didn't expect this it at all ;))) And it is allowed to take photos ;))) haha ;))) so address is: Cathedral Road,2, others went to Indian museum , Victoria Memorial. Working hours: from 03.00 pm - 08.00 pm. On Russian: Potom ya i Anne (Gonk Kong) reshila poiti v Akademiu iskusstva, drugie otpravilis v Musei istorii Indii. Eto ochen stranno, no mnogie dazhe ne znau, chto v Kolkata est takoe. ;))) Ochen zdorovo tam, vhod besplatniy. Vistavka stoit togo, chtobi posetit, eksponati i kartini ochen interesnie i ne tipichnie, nam dazhe dali bukleti, chego ya voobwe ne ozhidala ot Indii! ;))) Nahoditsya eta akademiya nedalo ot Viktorii memorial, others went to Indian museum, adres - Cathedral Road,2.
My favorite ;))) Crying girl ;))) On Russian: Moya lubimaya skulprura ;))) Plachuwaya devochka ;)))

Krishna and Rada

Durga Puja
Freedom... On Russian: Freedom

This calls "Time is just on my body!" Cool, yeah ;))) On Russian: Eta kartina nazivaetsya 'Vremya tolko na moem tele!' Zdorovo, da?
I like this so much ;))) On Russian: Mne ochen nravitsya eta rabota ;))

Social advertising ;)) On Russian: Socialnaya rabota

Here was small handcraft works shops, there were a lot things made by women. Everything was so cute, I even bought something ;))) On Russian: Tam zhe bil nebolshoi magazinchik s vewami ruschnoi raboti. Vse ochen milo, ya dazhe kupila koe-chto ;)))

With Anne it was great pleasure to go the art gallery, cause she likes art like me ;))) I was very lucky to meet her and spent time there ;))) Advice #2: In order to have the same great emotions like me, go art gallery only with appropriate people ;))) On Russian: Eto bilo ochen zdorovo posetit galereu uskusstva s Anne, t.k. takzhe lubit iskysstvo, kak ya ;))) Mne ohcne povezlo, chto ya vstretila ee i mi poshli na vistavlku vmeste ;))) Poetomu sovet #2: Chtobi poluchit takoi zhe zaryad polozhitelnih emoziy, hodite na vistavky iskusstva s podhodyawimi ludmi, kto takzhe lubit eto, kak vi ;)))
St. John's Cathedral

I liked it ;)) Every religion says the same, that is great ;))) It is about what God expects from you in the roles father, mother, husband, wife, boss and etc... On Russian: Mne ochen ponravilos eto. Kazhday religiya govorit ob odnom i tim zhe, i eto zamechatelno ;))) Eto o tom, chto Bog ozhidaet ot cheloveka v roli otza, materi, muzha, zheni, nazhalnika i t.p...

It was last place that I visited yesterday ;) Birla Planetarium, I liked it too, advice everyone ;))) and only 30 Rs. On Russian: Poslednim mestom, kotoroe ya posetila vchera bilo Birla Planetarium, mne ochen ponravilos, sovetyu vsem ;)))