Monday, August 23, 2010

Birla mandir temple - very peaceful place...

Marble Palace

Somewhere on the street near the metro station Girish Park. On Russian: Gde-to na ylize ryadoms stanziey metro Girish Park
Marble Palace, Art gallery, was built in 1835 bya wealthy Bengali merchant with a passion for collecting works of art. On Russian: Marble Palace, Galereya iskusstv
Birla Mandir Temple
The gate of Birla Mandir Temple. On Russian: Vorota / Vhod Birla Mandir Temple

Sweets again... On Russian: snova sladosti ;))
Birla Mandir Temple

so sweet puppies... On Russian: takie milie zhenki ;))))

I liked this taxi driver, cause he was the most international, spoke English... so haven't met such taxi drivers before!!! hehe The funniest thing that among his music collection was 50 Cents ;)))) On Russian: Mne ponravilsya etot taxist , tak kak on bil samim mezhdunarodnim iz tex kotorih ya yzhe vstrachala zdes, govoril po-angliyski, a i ewe ochen zabavno, chto y nego bila musika gruppi 50 Cents

Kolkata's zoo... Zoopark Kolkati

So, this is Kolkata's zoo ;)))) A lot of salespeople with different seeds for monkeys in order to feed them... So I bought one portion... hehe but it was useless cause the cages in this zoo so high and the holes so small, so it was almost impossible to give something. ;))) On Russian: tak i viglyaditr zoopark v Kolkata. ;))) Ryadom kucha prodavzov s raznimi oreshkami i semechkami dlya obeziyanok, chtobi pokormit ih... Ya kupila odnu porziu kakih-to semyan, no eto okazalos bespoleznim, tak kak kletki v zooparke ochen visokie i prakticheski nevozmozhno popast v zheli kletok.. ;)))

We were in Zoo with our Indian friend Baps ;))) On Russian: mi bili v zooparke s nashem induskim drugom Bapsom. ;)))

There were really nice elephants, we liked them so much...))) they were washing)))) it was worth watching))) On Russian: mi videli deistvitelno zabavnih slonov)))) nam oni ochen ponravilis, mi nabludali kak oni moutsya, eto bilo ochen smeshno))))

These "orange people".... hm... sometimes we meet them everywhere))) I have to learn about them more... On Russian: "Oranzhevie ludi"... hm... inogda mi ih vstrechaem vezde..)))) I dolzhna yznat o nih bolshe))))
Leopard was angry at visitors, cause some Indian guys tried to tease him, showed him teeth... of course it

Giraffe... On Russian: Zhiraf

Lion... he looked very bad... they look after animal s in this zoo very bad(((( On Russain: Lev.. on viglyadel ochen ploho, za nimi sledyat ne dolzhnim obrazim, zhivotnie zamuchennie kakie-to ((((
At last we saw Royal Bengali tiger (do you remember I wrote about them in my post "Sunderban"). On Russian: Nakonez-to mi yvidelib Korolevskogo Bengalskogo tigra!!!!))) (pomnite ya pisala o nih v moeim soobwenii "Sunderban ili Krasiviy les"

Parties... Vecherinki...

Igor just sat there for this photo! ;))) His words: "Feel like a real man!" hehe On Russian: Igor sel na motozikl tolko dlya etoi fotki, no emu ochen ponravilos))) skazal, chto chuvstvyet sebya nastoyawim muzhchinoy na etom moozikle ;))) hehe
With our Indian friend Roni... just met... On Russian: s nashim indiyskim znakomim Roni, tolko chto poznakomilis...
Our friends... On Russian: nashi druziya...

AIESECer with janka
Our Austrian (Larissa) and Polish (Tomas) friends. On Russian: Nashi druziya iz Avstrii (Larissa) i Polshi (Tomas)

Our friend from Taiwan - Peter))) On Russian: Nash drug iz Taiwani - Peter)))

Igor was in Abhishek's hat ;))) Everyone liked it so much...))) On Russian: Igor v shlyape Abhisheka ;))) Vsem ponravilas eta shlyapa)))