Thursday, August 12, 2010


Hey everyone!!!

I have to tell you about this amazing trip to Sunderban! We liked it so much even those we didn't meet those Royal Bengali tiger that are so popular and attract everyone to this "Beautiful jungle")))

Yes, of course these tiger are very well-know and beautiful, but also we learned that they are very smart and strong, excellent swimmers. I will explane you what I mean by "smart" animal - they gather their food not only by hunting but also by some traps for fish or when they want honey. So for getting fishes they make hole in coast and then get fishes from there))) and for honey they just knock down beehive and in some time when bees already leave their home they come to eat honey))) cool?? yes, very clever)))

Also I learned that sometimes they attach local villages... and it is horrible... Read below...

The Sunderbans are home to approximately 500 Bengal tigers, one of the largest single populations of tigers in one area. These tigers are well-known for the substantial number of people they kill; estimates range from 50-250 people per year. They are not the only tigers who live in close proximity to humans; in Bandhavgarh, villages encircle the tiger reserves, and yet attacks on people are rare. Although attacks were stalled temporarily in 2004 with new precautions, recently attacks have been on the rise. This is particularly due to the devastation on the Bangladeshi side of the swamp caused by Cyslone Sidr which has deprived tigers of traditional food sources (due to the natural upheaval) and has pushed them over towards the more populated Indian side of the swamp.

So it means if tigers will try once human flesh they will get used to it or it is possible to say they will be more aggressive to people. These tigers have grown used to human flesh due to the weather. Cyslones in this part of India and Bangladesh kill thousands, and the bodies drift out in to the swampy waters, where tigers scavenge them.

Another possibility is that the tigers find hunting animals difficult due to the continuous high and low tides making the area marsh-like and slippery. Humans travel through the Sundarbans on boats gathering honey and fishing, making for easy prey. It is also believed that when a person stops to work, the tiger mistakes them for an animal, and has, over time, acquired a 'taste' for the human flesh.

So that is why people in this place especially very religious, they believe that they should pray a lot to forest gods and than they will be prosperous in gathering honey and fish and be safe form Royal Bengali tigers.

We saw one little performance about life of Sunderban people))) they were gathering honey and fishing. And once someone didn't pray a lot, little boy didn't listen to his mother, after this of course they face with big problems. There were no honey, tiger attacked them and everything became better after praying and understanding how important it was. So it was very nice performed))) we laughed a lot))) you can see a video about it.)))

and it is nice performance also because of traditional importance, these people from villages they still live like their previous generations))) so the only one source of information for them is spectacles like those that we saw. Also it is like cultural message to people, they share with it from generation to generation. And how nice that we saw it))) it was really interesting, the best part of the trip for me))

On Russian:

Vsem privet!

Hotela rasskazat vam pro nashy poezdky v djungli Sunderban. Eto mesto isvestno tem, chto tam zhivyt korolevskie bengalskie tigri!!! Mi ih, konechno, ne yvideli, no ne smotrya na eto nam ochen vse ponravilos!!! Takzhe eto mesto nazivaut "Krasiviy les ili djungli"

Djungli eto nazvat slozhno, v nashem tipicnom ponimanii togo slova, no priroda deistviteno ochen krasivaya!!!))) nam vsem ochen ponravilos.

Konechno Bengalskie tigri izvestni, no mi yznali mnogo novih podrobnostey o nih))) to chto oni potryasauwie plavzi, ochen silnie i ymnie. Naprimer, oni predpocitaut ne tolko ohotitisya, no i delat dlya svoih zhertv lovyshki. Tak dlya rib oni delaut na beregy negolshie yamki i posle dostaut riby ottyda, ochen chasto prilivi, tak chto oni polzyutsya etim. Zabavno, kak oni edyat med, oni sbivaut yliy lapami, ybegayt a posle togo, kak vse pcheli pokidayt yley, prihodyat i edyat med))) zdorovo? da, ochen ymnie!!)))

Takzhe mi yznali, chto tigri mogyt bit ochen opasni dlya blizhaishih dereven, bivaut sluchai napadeniy.

V lesy Synderban zhivet primerno 500 tigrov, etot les schitaetsya odnim iz samih bolshih v etom regione.

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