Durga puja, also referred to as Durgotsava, is an annual Hindu festival in South Asia that celebrates worship of the Hindu goddess Durga. It refers to all the six days observed as Mahalaya, Shashthi , Maha Saptami, Maha Ashtami, Maha Navami and Bijoya Dashami. The dates of Durga Puja celebrations are set according to the traditional Hindu calendar and the fortnight corresponding to the festival is called Devi Paksha. Devi Paksha is preceded by Mahalaya, the last day of the previous fortnight Pitri Pokkho (‘Fortnight of the Forefathers’), and is ended on Kojagori Lokkhi Puja (‘Worship of Goddess Lakshmi on Kojagori Full Moon Night’).
Durga, in Sanskrit means "She who is incomprehensible or difficult to reach." Goddess Durga is a form of Sakti worshiped for her gracious as well as terrifying aspect. Mother of the Universe, she represents the infinite power of the universe and is a symbol of a female dynamism. The manifestation of Goddess Durga is said to emerge from Her formless essence and the two are inseparable.She is also called by many other names, such as Parvati, Ambika, and Kali. In the form of Parvati, She is known as the divine spouse of Lord Shiva and is the mother of Her two sons, Ganesha and Karttikeya, and daughter Jyoti. Destroyer of demons, she is worshiped during an annual festival called Durga puja, especially popular among Bengalis.
Her Appearance
There are endless aspects of Durga described in the Puranas and Agamas and the iconography is consequently very varied. She is usually pictured as having ten arms holding Sword, Conch, Discus, Rosary, Bell, Winecup, Shielf, Bow, Arrow, and Spear. She is most often shown riding a lion from which comes Her august name, Simhavahini, "She who stands astride the king of beasts". She is gorgeously dressed in royal red cloth and has several ornaments decorating Her personage. Her hair is dressed up in a crown (karandamukuta) which then flows out in long luxuriant tresses that are darkly luminous and soothing to the eye. The various tools reflects the eminent supremacy that helps in controling the universe and obey Her will.
Weilding Energy
Goddess Durga exists eternally, always abiding in her own sweet nature and inhabits the hearts and minds of her ecstatic devotees. As Shakti power, she shapes, nurtures, and dissolves names and forms, while as subtle spiritual energy called Kundalini, She lights the lotuses fo the seven centres of awareness in the sacred human body. Goddess Durga killed the powerful demon Mahish and all his great commanders. When demonic forces create imbalance all god unite becoming one divine force called Shakti or Durga.
In Kolkata alone more than two thousand pandals are set up, all clamoring for the admiration and praise of the populace. The city is adorned with lights. People from all over the country visit the city at this time, and every night is one mad carnival where thousands of people go 'pandal-hopping' with their friends and family. Traffic comes to a standstill, and indeed, most people abandon their vehicles to travel by foot after a point. A special task force is deployed to control law and order. Durga Puja in Kolkata is often referred to as the Rio Carnival of the Eastern Hemisphere.
The oldest puja are in North Kolkata, like Baghbazar Sarbojonin, Kumartuli, Ahiritola, Md. Ali Park, College Square.
This is an example of pandals that were everywhere ;))) they were differentand that is why there were even competions for the best pandal ;))) I don't know which was the best, but can say that it was definitely difficult to choose among such nice pandals ;)))it is like it was decorated, so many lights, music everywhere, it was obvious that this festival foк the citizens of Kolkata was very important, for them it was like Christmas ;)))
beautiful, hah?
and of course happy and smily people ask ask for taking photos with them ;))) I have to mention that they all were preparing for this event ;)) bought a lot of new clothes for themselves and for friends and relatives, it is like tradition ;)))
we decided to have a small party in the trainee house and then all together went to visit some pandals ;)))
we were walking along the city during the whole night and city didn't sleep at all, even small children ;))) amazing ;))) this people are really devoted to this festival ;))) there were a lot of people who came to Kolkata just because of this festival as they know that there it is celebrated really great ;)))
and of course among such amount of people there were a lot of reporters ;))) some of them were attracted by us ;))) like "white people" ;)) and they took an inteview, Jakob was so funny, he answered all their questions so excited ;))) haha our star ;)))
really impressive ;)))
this was the biggest or one of the biggest pandals in Kolkata
Jakob bought a horse for Johanna ;))) hehe it is long story ;))) just kinder garden ;))) haha
asyou see a lot of different colorful pandals...
this how Durga Puja was selebrated in the family of our trainee house owner Mr Chartejee, he fed us ;))) and majority of vegetable food was impressive and very tasty ;)))
we decideв to visit Mr Chartejee, but only some of us cause we also we were planning to come next day;))) but next day we didn't manage to come together ;)))
this is one pandals next to our trainee house in Tollygange ;)))
this how Durga Puja finished ;))) they gathered all the statues of the Godness Durga Puja and were putting it in the river Ganga ;))) and of course a lot of dances, music ;))) so it is really nice ;))) I don't regret that I stayed in Kolkata longer just because of this festival, it was really worth of it ;)) really amazing ;)))
Please come again, except this joyus face of Durga puja, a romantic face is also behind. Try to expedite it at next time.